刘舜 , 讲师,硕士研究生导师 电子邮箱:shunliu@gpnu.edu.cn 联系电话:13760612630 研究领域:机器学习、深度学习、多分类器性能评价 主授课程:复变函数、线性代数、概率论、信号与系统 教育经历: (1) 2015-09 至 2020-06, 广东工业大学, 控制科学与工程, 博士 (2) 2011-09 至 2015-06, 广东工业大学, 自动化, 学士 |

(1) 2020-08 至 今, 广东技术师范大学, 自动化学院, 讲师
(2) 2018-02 至 2019-02, 英国肯特大学, 工程数字与艺术学院, 访问学者
(1) 广州市科技计划项目《面向癌细胞检测仪的多类接收机工作特性评价系统》,起止时间 2021-04 至 2023-04 5万元,在研,主持。
(2) 校级项目:《基于超分辨率和接收机工作特性分析快速算法的高通量癌细胞检测仪的初步设计》,起止时间:2021-09至2025-09,15万元,在研,主持。
(3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目《基于全光信号处理的超高速成像系统大数据压缩》,2020-01至2023-12,60万元,结题,参与。
(4) 国家自然科学基金面上项目《接收机工作特性曲线与曲面的统计特性、快速算法以及在变点检测与基因组数据分析中的应用》,2017-01至2020-12,60万元,结题,参与。
(5) 广东省大数据基础理论与计算方法重点实验室项目《多源异构表征学习理论研究》,5万元,主要参与。
(6) 广东省普通高校青年人才项目《面向多源异构数据精细化融合与协调学习算法研究》,5万元,主要参与。
(7) 广东省自然科学基金面上项目《面向农业场景低空遥感图像三维重建关键技术研究》,15万元,2024-01至2026-12,15万元,在研,主要参与。
(1) Liu S.(刘舜), Sun X., Xu W., et al. Null Distribution of Volume Under Ordered Three-Class ROC Surface (VUS) With Continuous Measurements[J]. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2018, 25(12): 1855-1859
(2) Liu S.(刘舜), Yang J, Zeng X, et al. An efficient and user-friendly software tool for ordered multi-class receiver operating characteristic analysis based on python[J]. SoftwareX, 2022, 19: 101175.
(3) Zhu,H., Liu S.(刘舜*), et al. Fast and Unbiased Estimation of Volume Under the Ordered Multi-Class ROC Hyper-Surface with Continuous Measurements[J]. Digital Signal Processing, 2022: 103500.
(4) Zhu H, Liu S(刘舜), Xu W, et al. Linearithmic and unbiased implementation of DeLong’s algorithm for comparing the areas under correlated ROC curves[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2024, 246: 123194.
(5) Liu S.(刘舜), Mididoddi C. K., Zhou H., et al. Single-Shot Sub-Nyquist RF Signal Reconstruction Based on Deep Learning Network[C]//2018 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP), Toulouse. IEEE, 2018: 1-4.
(6) Liu S.(刘舜), Zhu H., Xu W., et al. Fast and Unbiased Estimation of Volume Under Ordered Three-Class ROC Surface (VUS) With Continuous or Discrete Measurements[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, vol.8: 136206-136222
(7) Liu S.(刘舜), X. Sun, W. Xu, et al. Fast and Unbiased Estimation of Volume Under Ordered Three-Class ROC Surface(VUS) Based on Dynamic Programming[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, vol.7: 63972-63982.
(8) Xu W., Liu S.(刘舜), Sun X., et al. A fast algorithm for unbiased estimation of variance of AUC based on dynamic programming[J]. IEEE Access, 2016, 4: 9553-956
(9) Zeng X, Liu S.(刘舜*), Wang X, et al. Hard Decorrelated Centralized Loss for fine-grained image retrieval[J]. Neurocomputing, 2021, 453: 26-37.
(10) Zeng X, Liu S.(刘舜), ,Wang X, et al. SSCRL: fine-grained object retrieval with switched shifted centralized ranking loss[J]. Applied Intelligence, 2022: 1-15.
(11) Li B, Liu S.(刘舜), Xu W, et al. Real-time object detection and semantic segmentation for autonomous driving[C]//MIPPR 2017: Automatic Target Recognition and Navigation. SPIE, 2018, 10608: 167-174.
(12) Wang Y., Huang G., Yang J., Lai H., Liu S.(刘舜), et.al Change Point Detection with Mean Shift Based on AUC from Symmetric Sliding Windows[J]. Symmetry, 2020,12(4):599.
(13) 徐维超, 刘舜等,一种基于皮尔逊秩次变量相关系数的信号检测电路及方法,2017-11-24,ZL201410454393.3 (授权发明专利)
(14) 刘舜等,基于动态规划算法快速无偏估算AUC均值及其方差软件,2015-9-1,中国,2015SR226084 (软件著作权)